Sien's growth

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fourth Gynae Check-up

Today we went for our 4th gynae check-up, and I must say that it was a very exciting visit for us. Firstly, we have not seen Baby for about five weeks already, and we miss Baby and were wondering how Baby is doing. Secondly, we know that Baby would be well-formed by now and would resemble what is in our minds the concept of a real "baby". Lastly, we wanted to be assured that our Baby is fine and wanted to seek some reassurance from Dr Yang. We had seen Dr Soon the previous day, and Sweetheart's thyroid condition is in check, even though she needs to increase her medical dosage (which is normal).

And was an exciting day for us! We got to see Baby swallowing saliva, kicking, pushing, moving, etc! And Baby's heartbeat is as strong as before!

Here are some photos...

The photo below shows our Baby sucking thumb! As you can see, the baby is slightly larger than 6.5cm, which is inline with being about 13 weeks old. Baby was moving a lot, moving arms and legs when Dr Yang was doing the ultra-scan. Such a smart Baby! Knows how to defence oneself! :)

The photo below shows Baby waving at the if saying "Hello, World!" with a high-five!

And here's a photo of Baby looking directly at the ultra-scan, saying "How's it going, mate!" You can also see Baby's arms waving ;)

As we were also doing a Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan, Baby had to be in a specific position whereby Dr Yang can measure the length of collection of fluid under the skin at the back of Baby's neck. However, Baby was not in the right position after scanning for over 5 minutes, so we went for a short walk and returned later to rescan. Dr Yang was saying that, in the worst case, it could take multiple attempts to catch Baby in the right position for the measurement. We talked to Baby, and after 10 minutes of walking about (and buying some stuff), we went for a rescan and Baby was cooperative this time! Naturally, this was because we talked to Baby in order to explain the benefits of cooperating ;) The measurement taken by Dr Yang is 1.3mm (which is very good), but we are still waiting for the results of the blood test as a double confirmation of an overall sign that Down's is highly unlikely.

Here's another photo of Baby, this one showing Baby taking a quick rest:

Finally, here's Dr Yang's attempt at determining the sex (too early to tell, I say!). At this stage, Dr Yang says it might be a..........................GIRL! But naturally, she can't be sure at this stage, so we'll only know for sure at a later stage!

See you again soon, Baby! Continue to be strong for Daddy and Mummy, and grow strong and healthy! We love you!